eXXpectations is where you will find the private Obstetrics and Gynaecology practices of Dr Pauline Joubert, Dr Melinda Heywood and Dr Sarah Robinson. We are located in The Wesley Medical Centre at The Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. Although they prefer to deliver at The Wesley Hospital, in the unlikely event that your baby needs delivery before 32 weeks, both Pauline and Melinda are also accredited at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane.

Dr Pauline Joubert
Dr Pauline Joubert

Dr Melinda Heywood - Female Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Brisbane
Dr Melinda Heywood

Dr Sarah Robinson
Dr Sarah Robinson

Our mission is for female Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to provide high quality healthcare for women of all ages. We believe that women should be able to make an informed choice about safe childbirth or treatment options without feeling pressured.

We strongly believe that continuity of care in pregnancy leads to better outcomes for both mothers and babies. This means that whenever possible you will see your chosen obstetrician at every antenatal visit, for your delivery, and for your postpartum care. In the event that your obstetrician is unavailable for some reason, you will be cared for by either the other obstetrician in the practice, or by one of the other female obstetricians with whom we share calls.

Our doctors and secretaries work together closely as a team to look after you. We also collaborate with a wide network of related healthcare professionals that includes anaesthetists, endocrinologists, physicians, midwives, paediatricians, physiotherapists, ultrasonographers and radiologists.